Welcome to the Rural Broadband Cooperative, your rural non-profit internet service for Huntingdon County & Mifflin County. If your residence or business is located within the area outlined on the map below, please contact us for a quick assessment.

Pricing PlanInternet SpeedCooperative Membership FeeInternet Service FeeTotal Monthly CostStandard Install Fee
Simple Email / Web Surfing Plan10 Mbps down
3 Mbps up
Standard Internet Service Plan30 Mbps down
10 Mbps up
Pro Internet Service Plan50 Mbps down
15 Mbps up
Extreme Internet Service Plan100 Mbps down
20 Mbps up
Pro and Extreme plans not available in all areas. Contact us to see if your location qualifies.

Refer-A-Friend and Get a $25 Credit!

Help us grow our network by referring a friend or neighbor to RBC. Just have your friend or neighbor mention you when they request service through the RBC website ruralbbc.org.

We'll issue a $25 credit on your next invoice when we successfully complete the installation of your friend or neighbor's RBC internet service. In order to receive the credit your RBC account must be current, meaning all prior invoices paid-in-full.

We Need Your Help!

The Rural Broadband Cooperative was founded on the principle of neighbors helping neighbors to provide low cost high-speed internet service to our community.

Please contact us if you can help us in one of the following ways:

  • Cash Donations of any amount help to fund our growth
  • Volunteer your time in one of the following ways:
    • Member Equipment Installers – We’ll train you!
    • Technical Support – learn to trouble shoot and support a wireless network
    • Member Support – Telephone calls with members, book-keeping, administrative support